This submitted epiphany story is in question and answer format (questions found on the Share Your Epiphany page).
What is your greatest epiphany in life? (summarize in 1 or 2 sentences)
While watching “The Secret” somebody said, “We usually think about what we DON’T want.” Suddenly, I knew that’s exactly what I had been doing – always thinking about what I didn’t want instead of what I most desired – and now I could change that.
What led up to that moment?
Years and years of reading self-help books led up to the purchase of “The Secret.”This made sense to me in a way that made everything else make sense.
What happened in that moment?
I felt POWERFUL! Since I was the one that created my whole life situation, that meant, consciously thinking, I could make my life exactly what I wanted.
What happened afterward? Did your life change? If so, how?
After finishing “The Secret,” I embarked on a reading frenzy that included books like:
The Power of Positive Thinking
A Return To Love
Creating True Prosperity
Think and Grow Rich
What the Bleep (movie)
…and many others.
I read about 2 books a week for a year, studying, doing the exercises, and taking notes. One of the exercises was to make a vision board. The instant I pasted some flowers by a woman’s cheek on my vision board was the moment I found my joy, my gift, my happiness.
Since I hadn’t traveled much, I made a “TRAVEL” vision board (pictured above) and not a few months later, I received a call from LIVE With Regis & Kelly! They asked me the daily trivia question, I got it right, and won a trip to Barbados on my daughter’s 13th birthday! I have another vision board with Kelly Ripa on it that I had made previously stating “ADVICE” on it – and now I have “Dish With Trish,” a local advice column. It was time to get down to business with exercise so I made a “HEALTH” vision board and made up a 40-Day Challenge to exercise every day for 30 minutes. I ended up going 431 days.
Then I started making vision boards for friends, family, non-profits and found another amazing by-product. While making vision boards for other people, I kept being asked time after time,”How did you know this? How did you know that?” and I suddenly realized that the process had become intuitive. I somehow could channel in their deepest wants, desires, and goals! It is a precious thing to watch their faces as they gaze over their dreams and many burst into tears. It’s now 4 years later and the vision boards have become a great business that I love.
Tricia Waltman
Superior, WI